The quantum computing ecosystem urgently needs new specialists. With a training quantum computer, our contractor Advanced Quantum will reach new outreach target groups in the KompaQD project and inspire enthusiasm for quantum technologies with hands-on qubits.
The transportable and robust demonstrator will use two qubits based on solid-state spins to clearly illustrate how a quantum computer works. It is just as suitable for people with no prior knowledge who want to use quantum computers in their everyday work as it is for researchers in quantum physics and interested parties from industry. An essential part of the project is therefore also a didactic course concept for different target groups with theoretical and experimental components. In this way, the demonstrator is intended to take solid-state spin technology out of the laboratory and make it quickly available to users from industry and science for training and education purposes, as well as for the development and testing of customised algorithms.
Advanced Quantum now has a good year to deliver the training quantum computer. However, the two founders Kim Kafenda and Matthias Niethammer already brought a prototype of the housing to the kick-off at the Ulm Innovation Centre. After delivery, they will take care of further development, optimisation, operation and training as part of our contract.
Not at all inaccessible and incomprehensible

Quantum computing ecosystems around the world are competing for the best professionals. At the same time, companies and organisations need to become aware of their own quantum computing needs or their participation in quantum value chains, or even just the impact of quantum computing on their business models, and respond with resource allocation, research and development in these areas. Between this quantum awareness and quantum readiness, however, there is a gap in the lack of young talent in the STEM fields. The fact that physics, especially quantum physics and quantum computing, have the reputation of being a particularly inaccessible and incomprehensible field only exacerbates this problem. With KompaQD, together with Advanced Quantum, we want to counter this with a quantum computer designed for accessibility and comprehensibility.
The KompaQD project is Advanced Quantum’s second DLR QCI project at the Ulm Innovation Centre. In the SQuaP project, the company is developing a qualification system with which the functionality and properties of spin qubits in solids can be analysed. In addition, the company has already developed a classroom-compatible qubit demonstrator outside of the DLR QCI with which individual NV qubits can be visualised.

Advanced Quantum
Advanced Quantum is a spin-off from the 3rd Institute of Physics at the University of Stuttgart. This young start-up develops and markets novel quantum technologies with a focus on sensor technology and measurement technology applications. This also includes characterisation set-ups for spin qubits. In addition to such development work, the company offers quantum physics experiments for education and training purposes in universities and companies.