Quantum computers will play an enormously important role in material simulation and development from the very beginning: Even the small, noisy computers of the first generation will expand our understanding of the interplay of matter and enable the first breakthroughs in materials research and development. We are certain that with projects such as QCI QuantiCoM, we are sustainably expanding the scope of possibilities for industry and research. We are therefore all the more pleased to have found a highly competent and interesting contractor for the SimKoSyS QuantiCoM contract in IQM Germany.
Advances in materials science
IQM Germany will support the QuantiCoM project team with embedding, among other things: a promising approach for analysing a detail in an unpredictably large material system. This detail can be a crack or other material defect, for example. In order to make progress in material science, it may be sufficient to simulate only this defect and look less closely at the material surrounding it. This embedding of a smaller system into a larger one is known as the embedding method. The smaller system is often strongly correlated, while the surrounding system is not strongly correlated.
Since quantum computers can initially only simulate smaller material systems, embedding enables rapid progress in this area: either systems that can already be calculated can be simulated faster than with classical methods or larger systems that cannot be simulated efficiently using classical methods can be investigated.
Important expertise from IQM Germany
It is important to understand how materials are structured internally in order to be able to assess their properties and service life. For example, the embedding approach can be used to simulate material embrittlement caused by hydrogen, the formation of cracks or other damage mechanisms during material development.
The QuantiCoM SimKoSys project is primarily concerned with this highly correlated system and its embedding and the comparison and application of different embedding methods. QCI QuantiCoM contributes the material science knowledge to this project and defines the defects to be analysed. IQM Germany will support us with their knowledge and experience in the use and implementation of embedding methods to further develop known methods and to explore completely new methods.