CLIQUE – Classical Integration of Quantum Computers
Project duration: 1.03.2023 – 31.12.2026

We provide the technical infrastructure for accessing the DLR QCI quantum computers and embed it in a development environment that offers a low-threshold entry point for running quantum algorithms on real and simulated hardware. To achieve this, we provide users within the development environment with a set of example quantum algorithms and state-of-the-art compilation methods to run the applications.
Over the coming years, DLR will acquire quantum computers for use by DLR employees as well as by external project partners from science, government and industry. In this project, a platform consisting of access software and a database of example applications will be developed to provide low-threshold access to DLR quantum computers. The software platform coordinates the data transfer between classical computers and quantum computers and orchestrates the execution of computational tasks. The planned integration of compilation methods developed at DLR into this development environment will make it possible to convert the developed quantum algorithms into a form that is executable and optimized for the DLR hardware selected in each case.
The quantum computers acquired by DLR will be used on the one hand to develop new quantum algorithms and quantum compilers, and on the other hand they will serve as a platform for the development of complete applications that are themselves based on the application of quantum algorithms. In contrast to classical hardware, development on quantum computers requires completely new programming paradigms. These paradigms are based on expert knowledge that is not taught in standard engineering or computer science courses. It is therefore important to make access to this new technology as low-threshold as possible in order to use quantum computers as effectively as possible and to transfer the necessary expertise effectively to science and industry.
In order to enable the use of DLR quantum computers with the lowest possible barriers, we are addressing three aspects of the presently hurdles to the use of quantum computers within the scope of this project: We are devising user-friendly development environments and interfaces for making the quantum computers available to users. We create compilers to translate the developed applications to the quantum computers and make them available in the above development environments and interfaces, which automatically translate the user applications into optimized quantum circuits and execute them on the hardware. And we provide a database of quantum algorithms that can be incorporated into more complex applications and make them available in the above development environments and interfaces.