COMIQC – Customized Organic Molecules for Quantum Computing

Project duration: 1.04.2024 – 31.12.2026

Quantum ComputerSolid-State Spin

We are building a highly scalable digital quantum computer with 100 qubits based on neutral atoms.

The COMIQC project is pursuing a novel approach to building a quantum computer based on organic molecular crystals.
The COMIQC project is pursuing a novel approach to building a quantum computer based on organic molecular crystals. · Source:

As part of the COMIQC project, we are developing an error-correctable quantum computer with 50 qubits. To this end, we are pursuing a novel approach based on electron and nuclear spin registers in organic molecular crystals.

We adapt the properties of the molecular building blocks in a targeted manner by synthesising them deterministically into functional qubit networks by means of self-assembly in the crystal network. The results of this project will provide a platform for quantum computers that is not only inherently scalable and flexibly modifiable, but will also expand competition in the field of quantum technologies to other technology areas.


As part of this project, we are introducing organic molecular chemistry as the basis for the production of modern quantum materials. Our approach is not only trend-setting for the production of quantum materials in general, but also brings to light valuable synergies between computational chemistry, organic molecular chemistry, materials science and quantum technologies. The interdisciplinary networking of these fields in particular helps us to accelerate the development process and combine molecular design, material production and characterisation, optical and microwave manipulation, optical readout methods and integration into existing technology platforms to create a functioning quantum computer with a 50-qubit register within the project duration.


As qubits, we use carbon-based molecules whose electron and nuclear spins are optically addressed and whose spin-spin couplings we can switch on or off as required. This enables a universal set of one- or two-qubit gates on large quantum registers. Our approach combines the advantages of constructive synthetic chemistry and advanced quantum optics and control, allowing us to optimise the properties of the qubits through molecular design and to manipulate and detect individual molecules. Using this method, we can design qubit molecules from scratch by utilising the design capabilities of molecular organic chemistry. At the same time, we can control the supramolecular structure of the quantum materials and thus the coupling strength of the qubits by selecting and fine-tuning the composition of the quantum material. During the project period, the focus will be on building a functional system with at least 10 qubits in the initial phase, which we will expand to at least 50 qubits in the further course using the inherent scalability of our technology.

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